03 November 2008

A Big Week for Eleanor

Last week Ellie decided to have some major growth moments. First, last Monday she decided to make the step between playing around with vowel sounds (oohs and aahs) and actually babbling. She nows talks to us and to herself saying lots of da da dats, a few ba bas and even fewer ma mas. It really sounds like she's talking - she uses different inflections, will respond to our questions (sometimes) and talks a lot while playing with her toys. Pretty fun.

Then, her first tooth broke through on Wednesday night. All I can say with that is, I'm glad it has broken through and I'm not looking forward to new ones.

On Thursday, she learned to turn over in her bouncy seat and now loves to hang off the edge, playing with the straps. I suppose I could just strap her in... but I'm not sure I need the bouncer so much any more.

On Friday she decided it was time to sit up by herself. This is a skill I've been fairly bad at helping her with because she loves to wiggle around on her belly so much now. But, about a week ago I started sitting on the floor with her between my legs while we played with blocks, etc. On Halloween she decided to do it all by herself and now she's a sitting champ. She still doesn't quite get her back up straight, but she'll get pretty straight, especially when she's craning her neck to see something over the coffee table. She will play with toys out in front of her, use her hands to support herself, and picks up one or both hands when her toys (or people) get really interesting.

On Saturday, Eleanor finally got her little bum in the air while trying to crawl. So, now she knows the position and we're just waiting for her to get going. She will wiggle toward objects now and she still manages to scoot herself backwards fairly effectively. She also pivots herself all the way around in a circle, pushing up with her buff arms.

And, yesterday afternoon Ellie had her first "solid" food meal. Yum! Rice cereal! To my relief, she loved it and also, she slept through the night again! (She used to sleep really well at night, but for the last couple of weeks she had gone back to waking every 1 1/2 to 3 hours.) I guess maybe we were starving her... :(


Anonymous said...

Once Emmett got his first tooth, the rest were much easier on him! I have heard that from a lot of people too, so hopefully the same will be true for Ellie.

emily said...

So much growing! I can't believe it! You guys are doing a fantastic job! She's already such a smart little girl. :)

C. M. said...

It's generally thought that after the first tooth, the rest are a little easier and after the first four, it's no trouble at all. Since Nathan has eight teeth (how am I still breastfeeding??), I can say that it does get easier with time. Sounds like she's a real mover! I must laugh a little because I know that this is just the beginning for you. Yes, they are much more work, but it's sooooo much fun to see them work things out. The first year is just amazing and once they discover that they can move....oh my, it's so exciting! Cherish this time because before you know it, they'll be three and yelling "No, it's mine!!" at you. :^)