07 November 2008

She's a Mover and a Shaker

Our wonderful Eleanor decided to army crawl on Wednesday. It's pretty fun to watch her move these days, but it does put a whole lot more pressure on me to get things organized and cleaned... she's been playing on the dining room floor a lot, and yesterday I caught her trying to eat the floor! My consolation at this point is that she can't move very quickly and so far she hasn't tried to go any great distance. The cat food has been moved to downstairs, however. :)

Today she's working on the transition from sitting to crawling position as well as getting into actual crawling position and rocking back and forth. You'd really think she'd take a break or something, but no... always on to bigger and better things.

1 comment:

Em said...

Bethany! I love reading all your updates! She's such a darling!