20 January 2009

Teething, Chopin and Sunshine

Eleanor has decided to gain 4 new teeth at once. Lovely. She's actually doing pretty well with it, but it does make for a few sketchy nightime wakings, a wacky wagging tongue and some feeding difficulties. Once these teeth decend completely she's not really going to look like an infant anymore!

Saturday evening Seth and I had a chance to get out for a few hours, leaving Ellie with our next door neighbors. Ellie, Robin, Denis and their dog Baxter, had a great time playing while Seth and I enjoyed a piano concert. Joshua Wright, the pianist, was a young man from the University of Utah, who is living in Gilette, WY at the moment on his LDS mission. He presented a program entirely of Chopin works. It was a good concert, but I must admit, I was relieved when his encore was Lizst, and I'm not a big Lizst fan. :) I found the concert somehow less inspiring than the last pianist I heard here in Sheridan a few months ago, but it was an enjoyable evening.

Seth spent much of the weekend out in the sunshine, working on the new-to-us Jeep. He had a couple of guys he knows through work come over and help. It seemed like they all had a great time. Ellie and I enjoyed the sunshine, too, with a couple of walks in the not-quite-so-frigid air.

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