31 January 2009

January at a Glance

Wow it's the end of the month! As you can probably tell from our latest blog posts, Eleanor continues to grow into a fun, silly and constantly moving individual. We are loving this stage where she seems to learn new skills every 5 minutes, but takes a lot of energy to keep her out of trouble these days. Plus, Seth has spent the last few weeks working hard on the Jeep and thus Ellie and I have hung out together even more than usual. She has recently come to a stage of "sharing," especially with Daddy. She loves to hand over balls (if they come back to her), blocks and stuffed animals. But, even more exciting (for her) is sharing food and pacifiers! The spoon goes into her mouth, she grabs it and promptly sticks it in your mouth. Yum, baby carrots! :)

Other things of note that I don't think ever quite made it here to the blog were a couple of trips out of town with Amanda, lots of shared meals with Amanda and Kayli and a bunch of trips to the library. All in all, nothing really exciting, but our days were full and pleasant.
So, here's a glimpse into Ellie's January:
A bug on the go.
"What mom? The bubbles are fun and whoa, rugs are great!"
Finally, I got the tongue. This started when she started working hard at crawling, but it has since turned into a teething action. I think it must feel weird to have teeth suddenly taking over your mouth.
This one is here because I think she looks like a Sargent baby. I'm glad there is at least a little bit of me that's coming through. :)
And this "old man" face is hilarious. We haven't figured out if it is another teething thing or if she makes it when she doesn't like a particular texture of food. She tends to fuss while she's doing it, too.
I tried and tried to get a pic of her two front teeth... and these are the best that came from it. She now has two others erupted on the top and two more on the bottom working very hard to break through. Teeth make her look so much more grown up!

Happy January everybody!

1 comment:

Julia said...

that "old grandpa face" is so cute! and one of our nephews did that for a really long time but it was almost like his little "hello!" face and everything else too! haha.

ellie is soo cute!