22 January 2009

I'm It


I am: tired from a night on the couch with a teething monster
I think: about music and how to incorporate it back into my life
I know: I have the most wonderful husband and baby possible!
I want: to walk on the beach
I dislike: mopping
I miss: family and friends who are far away, the looming mountains of Salt Lake, and freedom to practice the piano intensely for hours at a time
I fear: stagnation
I hear: baby chomps (yum! Rice Krispies!)
I smell: hot coffee
I crave: hot baths and good books
I cry: when I have hard days alone
I search: for peace
I wonder: what tomorrow will bring
I regret: staring at the computer instead of chasing my daughter down the hallway
I love: smiles
I care: too much!?
I always: sing my baby to sleep
I worry: about money
I am not: out of my pajamas yet!
I remember: life so full of piano lessons I didn't have time to eat dinner...
I believe: God has a plan for each one of us
I dance: in the rain
I sing: in the dark
I always: love
I argue: when my temper rises
I write: because words just come out
I win: when I can
I lose: unfortunately :)
I wish: I knew I'd get a shower today
I listen: carefully when I'm focused
I don't understand: a lack of snow plows in a town where it snows regularly for 5 months out of the year
I can usually be found: at home
I am scared: of failure
I forget: more often now that I have a child
I am happy: when it's sunny

I tag: Hannah, Lindsey & Abbie


Abbie said...

OK, I'm putting mine here:

I am: awake!
I think: it's going to be a good day but
I know: it will be OK if it's not.
I want: Cora to stay asleep a little longer.
I dislike: hearing her cry.
I miss: sleeping in till noon and waking up to a silent house.
I fear: the aforementioned silent house.
I hear: Jeff coming back up the driveway with coffee
I smell: woodsmoke
I crave: sushi, almost all of the time.
I cry: if I'm too tired to do anything else.
I search: for simplicity, and
I wonder: if I'll ever pull it off.
I regret: wasting the present on the future and the past.
I love: making jeff laugh.
I care: for people more than I let on.
I always: forget birthdays and
I worry: that this will bother my friends.
I am not: a domestic goddess, but lord knows I'm trying.
I remember: growing up in the woods and
I believe: that this was good for me.
I dance: after a few drinks and
I sing: loudly, and a lot.
I always: always? I'm not consistent enough to answer this one.
I argue: when I feel like it's necessary.
I write: to blow off steam.
I win: trivial pursuit with my dad occasionally, but usually
I lose.
I wish: money wasn't such a necessary evil.
I listen: to npr more than I should.
I don't understand: how everything in our country seems to have gone wrong at once.
I can usually be found: breastfeeding.
I am scared: of the day when my parents die.
I forget: when bills are due, which is why jeff deals with them.
I am happy: most of the time, because life is so good.

Z and Me said...

We got several inches of snow here in Salt Lake yesterday and I thought of you as the snow plows WEREN'T on the roads! They've cut back this year to save money. I love seeing your posts and pictures! We miss you guys.