08 January 2009

Once I Start Something...

I just keeping on going and going.

As you know, Eleanor began pulling herself up on things a couple of weeks ago. She now pulls up on everything she possibly can, including pant legs, and either gets into the cupboards, or pulls open drawers, or pulls things off of 1st and 2nd shelves, or turns herself in circles changing positions while taking a few steps here and there to travel. One of her favorite places these days is the living room coffee table because she can pull up on it, step around the corner of it, let go with one hand and step to the couch. She will then just keep going back and forth between the couch and coffee table over and over again.

The downside to all this pulling up and attempted cruising is a lot of crashing. Our beautiful daughter has quite an array of bumps, bruises and scratches on her head right now. Luckily, the scare of falls seems to have passed, so the amount of crying that goes on has decreased. Plus, she is definitely getting more skilled at getting down gracefully. We are grateful she hasn't had any major accidents - I think God had it figured out when He planned for us all to learn to stand and move when we're only 2 1/2 feet tall.

She is now a great "helper" in the kitchen. I can call to her, tell her I'm going to unload the dishwasher and start unloading dishes and she'll come crawling from wherever she was and stand up next to the plates to watch me. She will grab tupperware out of the dishwasher, but she's not really interested in anything else yet. She also loves the measuring cups drawer. I often find her laying on her back on the kitchen floor, playing with a measuring spoon, the bottom drawer hanging open while I'm cooking dinner.

I'm pretty amazed at how much she learns every day and how strong she is! The trouble with all this learning is that she hates to stop practicing her new moves and tends to fight going down for naps or to bed at night. When she does finally sleep, though, she sleeps hard!


Hannah said...

Gracie's "chore" is unloading the dishwasher. She has loved it since Ellie's age. =) Sometimes if she isn't around Merrick will even save the silverware basket until she is there to help. Just wait until Ellie crawls into the machine and helps unloading the top rack. You might experience some minor kitchen glassware losses, but nothing you won't get through. =)

C. M. said...

Ah yes, the fighting sleep to keep on truckin' stage. Nathan was going down great at night, until he really learned to walk a few weeks ago. He's finally getting back to the point where he'll give it up and go to sleep.
I remember the kitchen stuff all over our floor when Aiden was little. Sometimes we could barely walk in there! I've got a baby gate up in our kitchen now, so Nathan has to wait for me to give him something. He tears everything else apart so much anyway, I wanted to keep the kitchen somewhat organized!

Laura Fenske said...

Wow! I am so impressed by her standing and cruising abilities!

herbert sargent said...

The joys of Motherhood!! Thank you for good pictures of Christmas in Iowa. Sounds like you are feeling better now. We have finally dug out of snow storm. Had postponed Christmas on Jan 4 at cousin, Errin's. 23 of us present. Fun with White Elephants!! Love & Hugs, Great Grandma Sargent