15 December 2008

A Holed Up Weekend

It was a cold, cold weekend. Our window thermometer read -7.9 degrees F, the internet and news said -15 degrees F. We had snow, but not a lot, and we definitely had wind. 55 mph wind!

During all this, our Ellie Bug decided to take an interest in the out-of-doors for the first time. She would crawl up to the sliding glass window and just peer out for some nice long periods of time. The wind was whipping the trees around and blowing dry snow all over the place, so it was a pretty exciting show.

It is really fun to watch Ellie begin to take interest in things on an ever increasing scale.

1 comment:

C. M. said...

Sounds like we have some similar weather. Not quite as cold...about 10 degrees with the wind chill and the wind is supposed to pick up to around 40 mph later tonight. It's too cold to go out and enjoy the snow!!