08 December 2008

7 Months

Oh, how the time has flown! As stated in the last post, Eleanor continues to be a wonderfully happy child and we feel very blessed to be her parents. She also continues to be long and fairly lean. She doesn't sit still for very long, ever, and I'm sure that has something to do with her lack of baby chunk. Some of her newest skills this month are:

- babbling more (mama, dada dat, baba, little screams, high pitched sucking in sounds, raspberries, mmmmmm, num num num - when she's eating)

- pulling herself to real crawling position often while playing with her toys and rocking back and forth

- opening drawers that are at ground level

- pulling items off bottom shelves

- army crawling faster than you might imagine possible

- sneaking up on the cat to pull his tail
- talking to herself and others in mirrors

- playing Where Did That Sound Come From? (she's getting good at listening to Seth's "drumming" and figuring out which object he's touching is making sound - or even which other object on the table or floor is making sound because of the vibrations)

- pulling herself up on low objects, still on her tummy, to reach slightly higher objects or objects previously out of reach
- eating rice cereal, oatmeal, barley, sweet potatoes, squash, avocados and bananas (we're adding carrots today)
- transitioning between sitting up and army crawling
This is the tupperware drawer/shelf. I open this cupboard when I'm cooking and I need Ellie to be entertained. She just figured out that the shelf pulls out, like the other drawers she opens, and now has figured out how to get at some of the tubs she couldn't previously reach.

Oh, what fun!

Ellie now knows how to pull herself up on the bouncer. She loves to pull the music handle from this side now... It was quite a shock to hear the music the first time when I knew she was on the floor, and not in the bouncer!

And, of course, the straps continue to be fun, too!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I seriously can't get enough of this little girl! She is adorable! I can't believe she is 7 months old already. I feel like it was just last week where you waiting so patiently to go into labor.