06 December 2008

An Answer

...to a question posed in the comments section of a post a couple of days ago: yes, Eleanor is always this happy. (Well, most of the time. We all have our moments, right?)

How blessed we are to have a happy, healthy, make-you-laugh-because-she-giggles-so-much girl! If you haven't called Seth in a while, you might want to think about it... he's got the greatest answering machine message ever right now: Eleanor giggling like mad.

I guess I should clear something up, though, she does cry, really. She cries 1. in the car (for hours or after a particularly rousing grocery shopping extravaganza), 2. when she's beginning to wake up but has forgotten to open her eyes, 3. when she's teething and 4. when she is tired, hungry and has been left to crawl around on the floor for too long any given evening. The thing is, as soon as you pick her up (or in the car even just sit next to her so she can see you) and begin helping her with whatever problem she has, she starts smiling again. I really hope she is able to bring her joyous nature with her into adulthood!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ephraim cries when he wakes up and forgets to open his eyes too. I think it is funny. Eleanor is too cute and I am glad she is such a happy baby.