01 March 2010

A Little Relief

Month 3 of this pregnancy is well on it's way and although this won't be the "official" month 3 entry, I feel like I need to give you some more updated news on my outlook and queasy feelings. :)

I'm still very sick, but a friend gave me a set of Sea Bands last Tuesday and I've been wearing them most of the time since then. They really seem to help give me a sense of stability through the nausea. I'm still sick and still vomiting, but the frequency is greatly reduced. And, I feel like I can handle a little dinner time these days. I still don't eat a lot, and I still have a hard time cooking, but it is no longer the worst time of the day. I now feel like I can get Eleanor fed appropriately. We have been eating out a whole lot lately, though, because I still have a hard time thinking of what to make - and cooking is still really tough. Again, I look forward to a return of my old self...

Getting to see and hear our Bean on the ultrasound made this all feel even more real. We had an early ultrasound with Eleanor, too, but it was a very different experience. This time it was relaxed, the images were clear and there was absolutely nothing to worry about. It was wonderful to hear the nurse say that once they can pick up a strong heartbeat via ultrasound, and see the heart beating, it is very unlikely one would miscarry. Now, I have to say, I've been so sick that I wasn't really worried about that, but it is reassuring never the less.

Also, on Saturday I was able to get out for a run! Hooray! And, it went really well. I took it nice and slow, but made the whole 4 miles without a hitch. The running really helped my appetite once again and I ate a full dinner for the first time in about 4 weeks. Fantastic. It also seemed to carry over into Sunday because I felt much better for the majority of the day. I had a rough night, but the day was fun and our little family was able to head out for some in town shopping (we bought seeds for our garden!). I was also able to actually cook a balanced dinner for us all. What a blessing.

So, enough venting. Thank you for "listening." :) Hopefully our next post will be about something fun and not throwing up!


theSarge said...

I'm glad to hear you are doing better. It's a bummer to spend more time with the toilet than your family. I love all of you and pray for your health - physical, emotional, spiritual.


Unknown said...

Congatulations!!! Great job running! Sorry you felt so yucky for so long... I tried to email you & it came back to me - did you get a new address? Have a great week,
Melissa P.

Katie said...

I love "listening" your such a good and dedicated blogger. So glad your able to run still and even better that your feeling well enough afterwards to enjoy a meal.

emily said...

I'm very impressed you went on a run! And I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm getting there too. :)