30 March 2010

Icky Sicky

Tuesday morning dawned full of Oregon drizzle. Hannah and I decided to pack up the girls anyway, though, and head to the zoo. Just as we arrived, however, Eleanor decided her tummy didn't feel well and threw up all over her self, the car seat and the car. Needless to say, we didn't make it into the zoo. Instead, we began 3 days of the stomach flu - passing it from one person to the next.

Eleanor and I washed our hands A LOT during those days... and I found that focusing on the sweetness of her baby-chub hands as well as the warmth of her body as I held her a lot helped me get through the tired, not feeling good days.
Since we were sick, Hannah and I neglected once again to get many good pictures of our girls playing together. I did get these two pics of them playing with Merrick, however. Gracie and Eleanor both spent a lot of time reading and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Eleanor still walks around our house saying, "Oh, toodles!" and "mish moose Mickey Mouse!" Thanks for having us, Brownlee's, not-so-great circumstances and all!

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