01 April 2009

Piggy Tail Day!

Happy April everyone!


Laura Fenske said...

Nice hair. Happy April fools day to you too!

And, I'm sorry to hear about your basement/water issues. I flooded our basement in Maine once and it was SUCH a pain to clean up. Shudder...that was a bad day.

Seth said...

Sorry to bring up a traumatic experience for you. Thankfully, the part of the basement with the laundry is a concrete floor with a fully functional floor drain so cleanup was the easy part.

arturlington said...

Too cute! I can't believe how good she was last night. I guess that means Mommy and Daddy need to go out more often. Too bad, that means Aunt Amanda has to babysitt more often! Hahaha, love it! (And Joel loved it too!)