14 April 2009

Jibber Jabber

Ellie has decided bath time is a good time to practice talking. We stick her in and she just goes and goes. The last week or so she's started to wash the walls of the tub with her washcloth, meanwhile jabbering away. It seems that each night she's practicing different sounds, although she has established a few "comments" that repeat themselves throughout her days.

This video was taken a week or so ago and I kept meaning to ask Seth how to rotate the picture... but now he's away in Dallas and I'm ready to post. I did figure out how to edit it down in length - so you have a nice 30 seconds or so instead of the 10 minutes she went on! Anyway, you'll just have to cock your head to the side. It's really all about the sound anyway. :o)


Hannah said...

Gracie was mimicking Ellie's noises and then just announced "I cop-ing!"

emily said...

Jeff and I have replayed this video over and over! She is sooooo adorable! We really appreciate all your updates, especially in video form :)