03 September 2010

36 Weeks

Gestational Age: 36 weeks, 2 days
Weight Gain: 2 lbs.
Blood Pressure: 120/70
Fetal Heartbeat: 160 BPM
Fundal Height: 35 cm

We're now into the days when I have to head in to the doctor for check ups every week. It feels a little bit crazy to be this far along... and at the same time I'm starting to ache for the pregnancy to be over. The last two weeks have been ridiculously full of activities and unexpected difficulties. They leave me exhausted, frustrated and feeling as though I will never again feel rested and relaxed. I know this isn't true, but I also know I will soon be getting even less sleep.

I'm trying my best to focus on enjoying Eleanor as an only child for these last weeks. It is hard, however, when I don't feel up to the same sorts of things we're used to doing. We are still walking, playing at the park and heading to the library frequently, but I'm taking a much more passive role in playing with her. I'm also having a very hard time holding her anymore. She keeps growing (good!) and is now too heavy for me to carry for very long at a time. It is also hard for her to find a comfy spot on my nonexistant lap to read and snuggle.

So, back to the pregnancy... things checked out well, but I'm surprised to know I'm now measuring a bit on the small side. I feel as though I continue to grow each and every day - and the fact that none of my shirts fit anymore (even the maternity ones) attests to that fact. It may just be that Baby has dropped farther into my pelvis... something Eleanor never did - even after hours and hours of labor. I am relieved by this fact (that Baby has dropped a bit) because it makes me feel like my body learned something from the first time and is actually doing what it's supposed to this time.

The doctor said I should continue to think this pregnancy could continue for another 5 weeks just to be mentally prepared. This idea sort of makes me want to burst into tears, but I do understand that is a better perspective than assuming I'll go into labor next week. On the positive side, when checked this morning I'm a fingertip dialated and about 40% effaced. So, things are progressing as they should - and could stay like this for weeks or could move forward soon.

This weekend we're planning on a trip up to the mountains again for some good camping. I'm praying it is a good time away to relax and forget the craziness of the last couple of weeks. Next week marks the beginning of MOPS and Bible study, but other than that is calm. I have a few projects planned around the house, but nothing super pressing. As soon as our stove top and oven are fixed, then I plan on doing a bunch more cooking to aid in stocking our freezer. Again, this isn't super pressing, however. Hopefully we'll also get a lot of sleep. :)

1 comment:

arturlington said...

Help! Bethany is out of town this weekend. does anyone know what size Ella is currently in? I want to buy some great fall outfits for her during this big weekend sale. Please post if you know.