17 September 2010


As a record for next year, here's the canning I've done since August:

Red Current Jelly - 8 half pints

Peach Jam - 9 half pints

Dill Pickle Relish - 8 pints

Jalapeno Salsa - 12 pints

Bread and Butter Pickles -12 pints

(Spaghetti Sauce - 3 quarts)

Pears - 22 quarts

planned -- Applesauce and Apples for Baking if I make it to Monday still pregnant and with good energy/spirits

Tuesday and Wednesday this week I canned 60 pounds of pears... after saying I wasn't going to do anymore canning this season. :) Much of this was for a friend who is out of town for business and had 2 boxes of pears ripen during her absence. I won't say it's totally what I wanted to be doing, but I did enjoy myself and Seth and I had a fun morning together peeling slippery pears in the dark. I am now relieved to have them finished and stored away, out of my kitchen. The super great thing was - my new stove is awesome and the whole process went MUCH more quickly than in the past.

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