11 September 2010

General Comings and Goings

I haven't blogged in so long because I was concerned all I would do is complain... but I do think I should start getting this thing back up to date and I'm feeling slightly better than "normal" this morning.

The last couple of weeks we have:

* Had our stove/oven break in the middle of canning pickles and having 5 extra people at our house for dinner.
* Had the huge decision between 1. getting the stove fixed, 2. buying a new electric range, 3. buying a used electric range and 4. running gas line to our kitchen and buying a new gas range.
* Decided on the gas range and had the stressful and difficult task of finding a plumber in Sheridan who would take the job, wouldn't charge a ridiculous amount, and would show up to our appointments. (We finally got it finished and installed 2 weeks after the old stove blew up - actually good timing for Sheridan).
* Meanwhile tried to figure out how to eat well without any burners or an oven (pretty much didn't happen... our nutrition has suffered).
* Went camping again over Labor Day Weekend, but had to come home on short notice since there was an expected 2-4 inches of snow overnight and Seth's Jeep was not cooperating 100%.
* Helped a friend can spaghetti sauce.
* Decided not to do much more canning this year because I can't stand comfortably in front of a hot stove for that long right now (oh, and we didn't have a stove for a while).
* Calmed a bit of my nesting urge by completely organizing our storage and laundry area - unfortunately overdoing it and thus leaving several other areas of our house annoyingly unorganized.
* Attended a few playdates.
* Walked, walked and walked.
* Finished my musical duties at church and with piano lessons for the fall.
* Started Beth Moore's new Revelation Bible study/lecture series with Women of the Word.
* Started MOPS for the year.

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