10 September 2010

37 Weeks

Gestational Age: 37 weeks, 2 days
Weight Gain: ?
Blood Pressure: 117/63 ???
Fetal Heartrate: 144 BPM
Fundal Height: ?

This was a tough week. Really tough. I'm exhausted, my belly hurts often and Eleanor was cranky and being a typical "I want to do it myself (in my own sweet time)" two year old. Since last Friday I haven't had a day without some contractions. I was sort of hesitant to call them contractions, but I don't know what else they would be. They are irratic and vary on the pain scale from quite uncomfortable to downright painful. When paired with extreme fatigue, they are miserable. All this being said, I was really looking forward to this doctor's appointment.

All the question marks above are because I had our sweet Ella with me and she kept interrupting or talking with my providers, so I either didn't hear, they didn't tell me or I just plain didn't pay attention to the data. She was being very good and cute, however, which was a welcome change to a few other activities we've done this week.

When I went in and described the belly pains I've been having, along with the fact that I haven't felt Baby move quite as much in the last couple of days, my doctor decided to check me again for dilation and thinning as well as give me a quick ultrasound to check on Baby's position, the placental site and amniotic fluid level. He said I'm definitely having contractions (these feel totally different than with Eleanor), they are starting in the correct place for optimum efficiency and they are currently doing nothing to further dilate or thin my cervix. The ultrasound confirmed that Baby has moved into "perfect" position for labor with Baby's back laying against my belly button, head down, facing my spine. This is nice in that I'm not getting constantly kicked in my right upper ribs, but it does mean I'm not feeling a lot of Baby's movements anymore because they are focused toward my back. (Eleanor didn't ever move into this position, she stayed with her little bum pointing out my left side, feet stuck high in my right ribs.) It also confirmed the placental site looks good and Baby's still floating around in plenty of amniotic fluid. So, we continue to wait.

It was a blessing to get to quickly see Baby again - especially that furiously beating heart - and I'm glad things look to be progressing just as they should. I'm starting to feel the anxious desire to be done with this pregnancy and that is taking it's toll on my mental and emotional status. I think I'm especially sensitive this time because Eleanor was so late and I'm concerned that I won't be able to keep up with my life if I have to continue in such pain and exhaustion for another month (that would be 2 weeks late like Ella). So, my (slightly desperate) prayers these days revolve around finding peace and patience as we make our way to Baby's Birth Day.

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