31 August 2010

Due Date Buddies

So, I just recieved my Runner's World in the mail today and sat down to read a bit while Ella napped. To my surprise there is an article this month on Paula Radcliff and Kara Goucher who are 2 of the top women marathoners in the world right now. They are both pregnant and both due on September 29th! It was fun to read about these amazing women who happen to be my due date buddies.

They are both inspirational - in running - and now in gestational comraderie. They each spoke about the scaling back of their training and the sacrifices made in order to ensure healthy babies. It is nice to hear women being frank about the changes our bodies go through in pregnancy and how important it is for us to listen to our bodies and take it easy (in relative terms in their cases, of course).

1 comment:

arturlington said...

i don't think you are freaking out. However, I do miss my running buddy