09 August 2010

"Doing, Mommy?"
"Rubbing my tummy."
"Oh. Because?"
"The Baby in my tummy is stretching it and I'm trying to relax."
"Ella help?"
"Sure, rub like this..."
"Did you feel the baby kick you?"
"Yeah! 'Gain!"
"Okay, put your hand right here. Do you feel the bumps? Baby has the hiccups."
"Oh. Baby needs needs needs... breakfast, prob'ly!"
"Will breakfast help the hiccups?"
"Yeah, needs water, too!"
Other Ella-isms of late:
When asked if she wanted a time-out for being naughty Ella said, "No. Ella not time-out girl!"
After knocking the living room lamp out of the ceiling (and promptly getting into a lot of trouble), I asked Ella why she had gotten a time-out. She said, "Giving lamp under dog."
When asked whether the baby in Mommy's tummy is a brother or sister, Ella says, "Brother. Baby Ella's tummy sister." And along those lines... "Mommy, Sister Ella's tummy needs cookie!"


Katie said...

those pictures just made me melt! so precious. I also looked at your little baby calender and OH MY GOSH! you guys are having a baby real soon here:) so excited for the Tippin household.

Lynn said...

I love this girl! She cracks me up! When we have another baby can I borrow her so she can tell me that my baby belly needs a cookie? Oh man! I love it!