06 August 2010

32 Weeks

Gestational Age: 32 weeks, 2 days
Weight Gain: 6 lbs.
Blood Pressure: 108/70
Fetal Heartrate: 144 BPM
Fundal Height: 32 cm

Things are still looking good for this little one. I'm extremely tired these days, but since that's my main complaint - I'm super happy. It seems I've gotten into the groove of avoiding foods that give me acid reflux/heartburn, the contractions and such of several weeks ago have halted and Baby continues to move around like a champ. The prods and pokes I'm getting continue to be fun, but uncomfortable. Almost daily I have a time in the evening when my belly just aches and I know things are growing and stretching. I'm still carrying this baby way higher than Ella was, so I think my body is having to stretch in places and ways it wasn't quite prepared for.

We are getting very excited to meet this little person... and I'm trying very hard to ignore that excitement because we still have weeks and weeks left to go.

The good thing about still having quite a bit of time left is that we still have time to talk over names... we're having a lot of trouble this time around in that regard. Hopefully inspiration will strike us very soon!

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