26 August 2010


On a last minute whim, we took an invitation to camp with a family from Seth's work last weekend. They had their camper parked up above Dayton in the Big Horn mountains and were planning to camp out for the weekend and then move it to a new spot. So we took up our tent and camping stuff and hung out for Friday night and most of Saturday.

We've meant to camp a lot more this summer, but it hasn't worked out. I was relieved to find out that sleeping on the ground was actually more comfortable than I'd expected. So, I think we'll attempt to get ourselves up into the mountains again a couple more times before this baby is due.

Here are a few snapshots of our quick trip:


Natalie said...

Wow, Bethany! I am so impressed that you would even consider sleeping in a tent on the ground at 35 weeks pregnant. You are a trooper!! Glad you guys got to get away for a bit and enjoy the beautiful outdoors :)

arturlington said...

The baby looking at me scares me!