20 August 2010

34 Week Check-Up

Gestational Age: 34 Weeks, 2 Days

Weight Gain: 2 lbs.

Blood Pressure: 114/70

Fetal Heartbeat: 150 BPM

Fundal Height: 34 cm

So, things continue to check out well. Baby seems happy and healthy and my belly is measuring right on track. My doctor's latest comment was, "It doesn't seem like you've got a huge baby growing here. I don't think you're on track for a big one unless you go over your due date again." My response was, "Ella always measured right on, too." To which he replied, "Oh. Well, maybe you just hide them in there really well." I guess we'll just wait and see.

The last week or so I've spent keeping myself very busy with playdates, babysitting, cleaning, organizing, canning, giving piano lessons, camping and volunteering for various small jobs. All in all -- I've done WAY too much. My body continues to totally complain through this part of pregnancy and I find myself exhausted most of the time. I know from this point on I need to reprioritize and put rest first and foremost. Unfortunately, that is quite contrary to my natural instincts at the moment.

So, my current "complaints" are continued slightly painful contractions most evenings where I have to drink lots of water and put my feet up for an hour or so. I also find my belly aching all the way across the middle to top for hours at a time - like having one really, really long moderately painful contraction that never ends. I'm having a hard time doing much exercise because Baby is so totally on top of my bladder. And, although I'm very, very tired, I'm having a hard time sleeping both during the day when Ella is napping and at night.

Now really, things are going very well here - so don't worry. I mostly put that stuff in this post to remind me when I look back at a later date what this pregnancy was really like.

I am trying to get myself prepared for labor by reading books and reviewing our Bradley materials from Ella's birth. I'm feeling better than I was about the process, but I still have several worries and such to work through. We still need to take a tour of the hospital so I know what is here at the facility in Sheridan and a little more of what to expect when we arrive there. Although I don't feel fully prepared, I'm getting closer and closer everyday to being ready to hold this little one in my arms instead of my abdomen.

1 comment:

MacKender 4 said...

Hang in there...you are in the home stretch! I remember those days seem so long when all you want is to hold the little one in your arms and your body just hurts. It will soon be here!
Hey...I was just thinking....what are you going to name your blog? :) It is no longer going to be "The Tippin Trio". :)