13 August 2010

Days of Friendship

Lately its been hot here and we're (I'm) starting to get antsy when we just sit around the house. This is mostly because I'm pretty uncomfortable if I'm just sitting around. I need projects... and friends to distract me from this continuing incubation time.

So, we've spent a lot of time at the local parks, playing in the water and hanging out with friends - all very good things!

Super cute lineup: Ella, Christian, Landis, Adeline, Sydney
Eleanor and I always have a blast when we get to hang out with these kiddos and their mommies!

Playdate with Avery

These two just always get me with their super-duper love for each other. Here they had finished running through the sprinkler and were just chillin' on the back deck with goldfish crackers and milk. I had the sliding glass door closed, so I couldn't hear their conversation, but they were just chatting away. :)

1 comment:

whenirisheyesaresmiling said...

My daughters name is Averie ;)