12 July 2010

Getting Back to the Blogging World

Hey friends and family -

We've had a wild last little while. I think for the most part it's been good, but we've also had our struggles. I hesitate to begin updating the blog when my mood presses me to simply complain about current circumstances, so I've waited (not so patiently) and I think now we're ready to catch up with y'all. A lot of our absence stems from a busy summer - visitors, playing outside instead of in, extra projects around the house, a pregnant belly and all that aligns with that - you know, the day to day stuff.

I think my other reason for not tackling this project is that it is a project. So much has happened! So much growth is occuring! I'm not exactly sure where to start or how to format this so we can look back at it fondly later...

So here is today: it is already 80 degrees and I'm looking out at my garden thinking I should head out to tackle the weeds that have overtaken everything, but I know I'll put it off until tomorrow. Eleanor hasn't risen from sleep yet, so I'm enjoying a quiet house while I have breakfast and chat with you. Seth is already hard at work at the VA where he is doing his "normal" work as well as beginning to move his office to a new location and get a whole lot of paperwork finished for HR. London is already looking like she'd really like a long walk. Baby in my tummy is happily dancing about after a lovely breakfast of homemade granola. All in all, we're good and this is just an average day in the Tippin household.

Here are just a few new posts if you'd like to look back with us:

28 Weeks
He's Official!
Cherry Lover

1 comment:

emily said...

I'm so glad things are going well! We were starting to get worried. Tell Seth a huge congratulations for us! I hope you guys really get to enjoy the rest of your summer.