21 July 2010

30 Weeks

Things are currently going well, but I'm definitely feeling the aches, pains and discomfort of being 7 1/2 months pregnant. I keep thinking, "I'm huge! How can I get any bigger?" Part of this is a feeling that the baby is growing faster than my belly is stretching... very uncomfortable. I don't remember this so much with Eleanor. But, I did look back at old pictures of myself at this point in my previous pregnancy and realize I wasn't quite this big, but almost - and of course I'll get bigger. :)

31 Weeks with Eleanor

The other thing I find very different this time around is that I'm carrying this baby much higher. This means I have trouble finding shirts/dresses that fit and I'm totally dealing with horrible heartburn issues. I thought this was true, but it is confirmed by this little photo comparision session. :)


emily said...

You look adorable :) I love that dress. I know what you mean about the baby growing faster than your belly. Mine has started itching like crazy lately. I've been slathering cocoa butter on it constantly.

C. M. said...

Oh, the 2nd pregnancy is crazy! I didn't get a single stretch mark with Aiden and then Nathan came along and I look like a map of europe... It's like your insides remember what to do with growing the baby, but your skin completely forgot!
Sorry about the heartburn - it stinks. I carried Aiden really high and I had constant heartburn for almost two months. I had to sleep sitting up. No fun - definitely become friends with Tums!