26 April 2010


The amount of comprehension Eleanor seems to have these days is amazing. We've always read a lot to her and she loves books, but these days she's even more passionate - and she remembers things for a long time!

A few nights ago we read a couple of stories from her Baby Bible and I thought they were probably way over her head... until after reading about Bartimeaus being blind (and not being able to see camels or trees) and Jesus healing his eyes so he could see. Eleanor looked at us and said, "No, see deer?" We explained a little more about being blind and not being able to see anything. She nodded and said, "No see camels, no see deer. Jesus help!" Wow. Now she talks a lot about Jesus, Amens and help. Wonderful.

Her favorite books right now are I Spy books. She LOVES to look at the pictures and point out objects. She remembers them really well, too, it is another place where I'm often blown away at her memory.

Now, I have to admit I've not posted this earlier because my intention was to get a cute picture of our wiggly girl reading to post with it... unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) the weather this weekend was gorgeous and we spent a lot of time cleaning things up, organizing, doing yard projects, working on vehicles and cleaning the garage... and thus no pictures. I'll get there soon. :)

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