29 April 2010

Off We Go!

This week I've slacked on blogging because we've been BUSY! My pregnancy nesting instincts have kicked into high gear and I've been organizing and cleaning everything I can get my hands on. On top of that, Seth is still studying away and I was working hard preparing for a talk I gave at MOPS on Wednesday. They asked me to speak about organic foods, why to eat them and where to get them in Sheridan. It was a neat experience, but I'm glad to have some extra free time again for a couple of days.

In between this crazy schedule we've taken lots and lots of walks in order to take advantage of the beautiful weather we've been having. Plus, walking really helps me decompress from any other work I've been doing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Walks are good, especially when the wind dies down. Let me know if you want to join me for a walk. I'm off all week. Maby next too.