30 April 2010

A Ranch Trip

Some friends from church and MOPS invited us out for a playdate at their ranch yesterday. Eleanor and Avery were very excited to see the new baby horses that had been born just a day before.

Ella pushed this shopping cart all the way out to the barn...
And then the kiddos stood around gaping at the horses, climbing on the fences and running around.

On the way back to the house, each child waited eagerly (and not so patiently) for a turn in the stroller to take a ride.
Here Ella is running back to get her shopping cart!
We had a great morning out at the ranch with good friends. The kids had a great time bouncing on the trampoline, too, and playing ring around the rosy. Ella was singing, "Rosy rosy rosy" all day long afterward. :)

1 comment:

arturlington said...

Too cute! She is adorable and I love her personality! You are blessed!