21 April 2010

Month Four

In some ways this pregnancy is simply flying by. People have told me that happens the second (and third) time around since other children take so much of our time and energy, but I only sort of believed it. :) So, month four has come and gone and we're working toward half way done!

Consolations: This month was a roller coaster of emotions, but in general I felt magnificently better. I'm amazed at how fast I was able to forget constant nausea and vomiting as I feel "normal" again.

As is expected of the second trimester, my energy levels have raised significantly. I'm loving the new-found energy.

With the subsiding of nausea, I've been able to get back on my wheat-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, sugar-free diet. And, I feel GREAT! When this pregnancy began, I had a goal of sticking to my special diet in hopes of gaining a little less weight, keeping my energy up and just generally feeling better. It turned out to be impossible for me while I was so sick, and it was hard to begin the transition back, but I am so glad I did.

A return to moderate running. I am so proud of my body this time around and it's ability to continue to run here and there. I'm still not on any real schedule, but I head out when I feel like it and time allows. Two weekends ago I took an 8 mile run that felt fantastic. Since then I've only gotten in 2-4 miles, but I'm very happy with that. We're also walking whenever we can.

Eleanor tells me often, "Baby, Mommy's tummy!" Usually this has something to do with not jumping on my stomach, my avoidance of some food, or the fact that she can't climb me - but, sometimes it's just because. She is always excited to see pictures on the internet of babies inside the womb and although I still don't think she really understands we'll be having a baby come to live at our house in several months, we're getting there. She wants to have a sister most times she's asked, although the occasional brother response sneaks out here and there.

The advent of nesting urges. This meant I got our taxes done efficiently and quickly - I even enjoyed it this year. Most of my urges surround organization right now. But, also garden planning and seed planting - we have grow lights set up in the basement.

Desolations: Headaches. Tons of headaches - bad ones and I can't take anything for them. Thus, the return to my x-free diet.

The advent of the truly awkward, nothing in my closet fits right but maternity clothes look ridiculous, stage. This time around my pants are fitting pretty well still, but I'm having a super hard time with shirts. My tummy doesn't look cutely round and pregnant yet, but I definitely have much more of a tummy than normal. We're also just between seasons here, so knowing how many layers and what exactly is the most appropriate for the weather is tough, too.

A teething toddler who is incredibly fussy often. This is so unusual for Eleanor that I hardly know what to do! It is tough when I'm also feeling emotional and having a hard time keeping my energy levels to their maximum.

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