04 December 2009

We're Back!

Happy December to you all! I apologize for our long absence, but we were all VERY sick for a LONG time and then it took quite a while to get our feet back under us. I think, although I must say this loosely, that things are back to "normal" and thus I will begin once again to actually take pictures and tell y'all about what is happening in our lives.

I was hoping I would have a collection of photos to send your way that encompassed the tail end of November, but as I looked over the few we have - they are all just blurs. Both Eleanor and London tend to move in two speeds these days: sleeping and running. It makes for lots of laughter and not many good pictures. :)

We had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving on which I baked an incredibly delicious turkey (totally use the brining method if you haven't before!) along with all the fixings for the 3 of us. We were still potentially quite contagious over Thanksgiving, so although we were feeling MUCH better, we didn't want to bring any nasty germs into anyone else's house. It was nice to celebrate together, to spend time playing and laughing and eating together.

The one great thing about us being so sick (if there really was anything great about it at all) was that Seth stayed home from work with us for a week. That meant 8 days straight of having him around and we really enjoyed it. Eleanor still asks me about 15 times a day, "Daddy home?" She then shakes her head and says, "work!" It always makes me smile.

3 weeks or so ago now we had a good little snow storm that brought feathery light snow, but the temperature hovered right around 32 degrees. This made for some really fun snow play with Ella and London. Since then we've had more snow, but the temp has ranged from -5 degrees (plus wind chill!) to 20 degrees and I haven't encouraged Ella to get out and play quite like before! So, here are a couple of pictures from the previous November storm and play:And here is London loving up the snow.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ha Ha Ha! Too cute. Ella is adorable in her snow gear:) Our Kingsley LOVES the snow too and he loved to eat it. Hopefully St. Louis will get some snow we don't get much so we'll see.
Glad you guys are feeling better too!