21 December 2009

Too Often

Here's our typical pose these days. Ick.


Lynn said...

I'm so sorry! Mallory has been sick for two weeks now and counting. I don't like it all! Especially because they are too little to give them anything to make them feel better! Hope Little Ella can get better real quick to enjoy Christmas! : )

Natalie said...

Sorry she's been so sick. That's just awful. On Sunday, Allie said her ear hurt. That's the first time she's ever told us that so I knew were in for another ear infection. Unfortunately we were at my parent's house! So I just got her to the doctor this morning and it was so bad her ear drum ruptured. Not too bad because I haven't seen drainage but this is definitely the worst one she's had. Poor little kids. It's so sad when they're sick. This picture of you and Eleanor looks just like us right now. I hope she feels better for Christmas!

Hannah said...

I know it is no fun to have a sick baby, but try to enjoy the brief moments of cuddle time (even if it does involve a thermometer). Someday - when our girls can take their temperatures by themselves - we will look back longingly at these days that we got to snuggle with our sick babes.