14 December 2009

"Bess You"

We've had several fun conversations with Eleanor lately. It is hilarious to hear her "stories" now that she's talking more and conveying ideas more... she still doesn't use connective words like "is" and "and," but she packs in the nouns and verbs!

Here is some of the fun:
Sneeze (hers or someone else's)
"Bess you!"

Cough (hers or someone else's)
"Bess you! Bess you!"

Ella: "Sa-ta! Sa-ta! Sa-ta!" while pointing out the window.
Mom: "Santa? Where?"
Ella: " 'Side. Car. Bye-bye."
Mom: "Santa was driving a car outside?"
Ella: "Yeah. Vruuum, vruuum. Sa-ta home."
Mom: "Oh! Santa was driving to his house?"
Ella: "Yes. Sa-ta!"

"Ooof. Heaby!" - said of anything heavy or awkward to carry.

"Yes, Ella."
"Puppy. Bite. Sock!"

"Daddy! Daddy! SETH!!!"

"Ahh! Puppy!"
"What about the puppy, Ella?"
"Gobber!" then wiggles her index finger, "ahh - purple! Bite!"
Mommy and Daddy look at the puppy and sure enough, the purple finger puppet Grandma sent Ella was in London's mouth.

After waking up from many naps...
"Where is the monkey?"
"Fish. Water."
"Um, okay..."
"Monkey, fish, water!"
"I'm not sure what you're talking about Eleanor."
"Mommy. Monkey! Fish, water!"
... we still haven't figured it out.

"Mommy. Drink. Coffee... Hot," then Ella points to her tongue. "Try!?"
"No, you can't drink coffee!"
"Okay... peas?"
"Nope. Coffee is for adults."
"Okay... cocoa Ella?"


C. M. said...

Nathan is obsessed with coffee too! He calls it "foffee" and he knows he's not supposed to drink it, so he'll point to it and say, "Foffee? Noooo...." while shaking his head.
I really like that Ella will shout "SETH!". Nathan spent all day on Thanksgiving calling John by his name and refusing to say "daddy". Kids are so entertaining at this age!

emily said...

How fun! I'm so excited to come "talk" to Ella! The monkey,fish, water one cracks me up. I wonder if she's been having a reoccurring dream about a monkey and fish.

Seth said...

Could it be:

The silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, sometimes spelled arawana, is a freshwater bony fish of the family Osteoglossidae. The species is also called monkey fish because it of its ability to jump out of the water and capture its prey. It usually swims near the water surface waiting for potential prey.


Abbie said...

HILARIOUS. She sounds like such a fun kid. I love it that she called Seth by his name. Cora has been calling me "la-bee"... she would say it over and over ("labeelabeelabeelabee...") and finally jeff asked her one day, who's Labee? and she pointed to me.

we're working on "mama."

Julia said...

She is so cute! :) Hopefully we can see you all sometime soon!