12 August 2009

Garden Bounty

I've been lazy about taking any more pictures of our garden, but it is growing quite successfully! We currently have more lettuce than we can possibly eat, and thus are making even better friends with our neighbors. We also have sugar snap peas (yum!), burgundy beans, carrots, basil, chives and potatoes. We're still waiting on the green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, grapes, cilantro, sage and parsley. I'm confident we'll get both cucumbers and tomatoes before the frost hits, but we'll see about the others. People around here say there is often a hard frost near the end of August or beginning of September that usually halts everything - but, if we can survive it then the season extends well into October. We're hoping for the best.

I'm fairly satisfied by this year's experiment, but have definitely learned things about gardening in Wyoming that will change our approach next year. At least we've been successful enough to think we'll have a garden again next year! :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yum! I could so use a good garden salad right about now. Your carrots are picture perfect