20 August 2009

Bananas, Salsa, Carrots and Now Questions

Last night I just finished a 3 session Food Preservation Class/Workshop. Our 3 evenings focused on freezing and dehydrating, water bath canning and pressure canning. The first night we blanched and froze green beans as well as dried bananas and apples. The following day I borrowed Amanda's dehydrator and dried some cherries and apples. The second night we water bath canned salsa. It was super yummy and now I want to make a huge batch! The third night we made lentil stew (theoretically to pressure can, but ate it instead) and pressure canned carrots. The whole thing was quite informative and even more than that, quite empowering. I'm pretty excited to put my new knowledge to work.

Now I just have to decide what we would like to have on hand over the next year. And, we have to discover what kinds of local produce are available right now for us to preserve. I've been searching online for u-pick farms and orchards in Wyoming and Montana and have come up with a few leads. Hopefully we'll have a couple weekend adventures to share with you here soon. :)

The rest of our life is pretty "normal." Eleanor continues to grow her vocabulary daily, has started doing some fancy stomping and/or kicking tantrums and is adjusting really well to daycare a couple of afternoons a week. We're still running most mornings and I'm loving the time I get in the afternoons to practice the flute and piano. It is wonderful how just a few hours has made such a difference in my outlook, patience and general well being. I'm looking forward to 8-9 students in September (still with hopes of gaining up to 12) as well. Seth is working hard and getting ready to head off to LA for another training conference in a week or so. He's enjoying "playing" with fishing and hunting buddies.

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