11 August 2009

15 Months

Eleanor had her 15 month Well Check yesterday and we had the opportunity for Daddy to come with us! This was especially helpful because the appointment took FOREVER. Ella still appears to be a wonderfully healthy, strong kiddo.

She is 32.5 inches long (96th %), 22 lbs 5 oz (42nd %) and has a head that's 18 inches around (54th %). So, she continues to be fairly tall and thin, although not terribly so (thin, I mean).

She continues to check out great in terms of her developmental abilities. We are amazed daily at the new words she uses and skills she seems to gain. The newest fun word is "uh-oh!" Anything that drops on the ground gets an "uh-oh" (in a very serious tone).

All her clothes and shoes seem to be shrinking at an alarming rate. She is definitely into her size 5 shoes (all smaller sizes now being hidden because of some favorites that no longer fit... and thus some previous melt downs because we wouldn't let her wear them!). All her 18 month pants seem to be working their way into high waters - luckily it's summer still and pants are only occasionally needed.

Words Ella uses all the time:
Shoes - "shooes"
Please - "meez" or "peez"
More - "mrr"
Goodbye - "baa-ie"
Uh-oh - "uh-oh"
Up - "up"
Open - "ohp-ie"
Helping - "elp-ie"
Hot - "hot"
Hat - "at"
Out - "hot"
Ball - "ba"
Banana - "ba-lululululu"
Puppie - "puppie"
Blanket - "ba"
Binky - "boppy"
Kitty - "ditty" or "dat"
No - "nn-oh"
Good night - "nigh -nigh"
Apple - "app-le"
Bug - "bee"
Yes - "da" with a single nod
Mommy - "mommy"
Daddy - "daddy"
Eleanor - "ell-a"
Down - "up"
All done - "ah-di"

Occasional words:
Bath tub - "ba-h ta"
Tree - "tee"
Peaches - "peaches"
Sheep - "peese"
Bear - "ba"
Bean - "bee"
Butterfly - "but-a"
Tickle - "ti-ti-ti-ti"
Eye - "eye-t"

Sound effects:
"vraa" - cars and pushing chairs around
"pshh-pshh" - anything that should squirt

Eleanor is running these days and thus keeping us quite active. She loves to go outside and push either a toy lawn mower or stroller down the street - usually with Mickey in or on it. She climbs stairs like a pro and has also shown us her ability to climb ladders... ick. She's tall enough to reach pretty much anything she wants on tables and counters - with the help of boxes and step stools she pushes around to step on. She loves to color and draw, talk on the phone, "blow" her nose (we go through a lot of kleenex around here), play in water, rice or sand, read books, sweep the floor, "elp-ie" in any way we allow and EAT. Her favorite foods are blueberries, peas and string cheese sticks.


C. M. said...

Sounds like a healthy little gal! I know what you mean about climbing up on everything. I'll often walk into the room and find Nathan sitting or standing on the dining room table. Not safe! :^)

arturlington said...

Sad- and happy. I started crying when I saw the outfit! I remember when Kayli was in the very outfit- now she is wearing some of my clothes!!! Oh my goodness, too cute Ms. Ella is! Kayli asks about her almost every day!!!