04 February 2009


Now that she's figured out how to open the drawers and cabinet doors in the kitchen all totally and completely on her own... I'm going crazy. I folded and put away the towels and washcloths 18 times yesterday. At least it's a safe game... someday (hopefully very soon) we'll get the cabinet locks put on. I'm pretty tired of the rubberband that holds the garbage door shut.


Hannah said...

Oh, the rubber bands. We still have them on most cupboards. I love that if Grace finds a rubber band anywhere in the house she puts it on a cupboard... I remember the stage of folding kitchen towels multiple times a day. Honestly, it wasn't until recently that I folded them after they were clean. I just stuffed them in the drawer knowing she would pull them out. Once G learned to open our doors the linen closet became the new obsession. That is a lot messier. I know it is hard, but don't fold, just enjoy. It is such a fun age, and you have the next 80 years of your life to have organized drawers. =)

C. M. said...

Nathan loves pulling things out of cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. The only problem is that since we're in an apartment, I can't drill baby locks into the cabinet doors and they have no knobs, so rubber bands are out of the question. I ended up buying an extended baby gate to just block it off completely, but then if I'm in there, I have little Nathan pressing his face into the gate, screaming at me. No solution to make everyone happy, I guess!