22 February 2009

A Grand Visit

I've been such a blog slacker lately! I hope this doesn't mean y'all have given up on us and our sweet girlie... we'll get back in the habit of our daily-ish posts.

The main reason for our slacking was a wonderful visit from Grandma and Grandpa Sargent. My parents came out here to Sheridan for my mom's President's Week Break from school and we all had a good time. It only snowed two times while they were here, so there weren't any major traveling difficulities.

We spent the week chatting, knitting, working on the computers, checking out Sheridan, watching a busy Eleanor learning a million new things and baking bread. My parents also took a trip up through the Big Horn Mountains. Ellie and I were planning to go, but I had neglected to take care of some important around-the-house tasks and therefore opted to stay home. All in all it was a very low-key time, but it was really good to see them, catch up on each other's lives and have Eleanor get in some good grandparent time.

Although we were around the house a lot, I neglected to take many pictures. These were taken on the first and last days of their visit. First, mom feeding Ellie banana (she's become a real beggar and loves taking bites for herself). And last, me finally grabbing the camera and telling my dad to pose for me since we didn't have any pics of grandpa and Eleanor together. Ellie loved having them around, getting the extra attention, etc. Oh yeah, and the random one in the middle is just a pic of typical Eleanor. She's taken to grabbing the measuring spoons out of my baking drawer and hauls them around the house. She's often found with one in her mouth and another in her hand... and Mom and Dad, do you have any idea where Ellie's pastry brush ended up?

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