28 February 2009

Once Upon a Time...

a young girl named Eleanor found a pastry brush in her mother's baking drawer.

This little girl loved the brush and went around "painting" everything in sight.
She found it helped her reach farther than she could with just her hands... it felt bristly and soft... and when mom said, "No rose!" (the rose bush living in the dining room for the moment that Ellie loves to pick at) then maybe she could get away with just the brush touching the rose (no such luck)...
Eleanor carried her "paint brush" around with her everywhere she could go. She tapped things with it, brushed them, stroked them, hit them... she even took the brush to bed with her.
Then one day her mom decided to wash the brush. Mom thought this was a good idea since it was getting blackish on it's bristly end.
Unfortunately, this washing determined the demise of the beloved brush.
Luckily, though, this particular Ellie-girl has a wonderful Uncle Jeff who sent her a set of blocks.

So now she has a beloved cylinder to carry around and bang on everything in sight.

27 February 2009

What Mom?

I'm having so much fun!
(Somehow I don't think I can walk away from the kitchen for a second, despite the fact that we finally have cupboard locks put on the "dangerous" cupboards... why exactly is getting into drawers so fun?)

New Toys!

Ellie was given a whole slew of new toys - and just in time since it's snowing today! I set this walking one up and she immediately started pushing. She pushed it around, crashing into everything for a good 15 minutes last night. I was glad for the entertainment, but because it's a walking toy and she was such a pro right away, I was also a little sad. She's getting big so quickly! What fun!

26 February 2009

Let's Pretend

Let's pretend we're eating cereal!

Yum! Air!

25 February 2009

Walking !?!

Well, over the last couple of weeks Eleanor has taken her cruising to a whole new level. She pretty much refuses to be put down on her hands and knees or in a sitting position. She locks her knees as you head her toward the floor, she grabs your hands with an iron grip and then takes off walking in whatever direction she wants. She's a pro at leading people around the house, holding on to two fingers. She also likes walking along holding just one finger. She's not quite as fast with this and totters a bit more, but she's working hard at it. She can stand on her own for a few seconds now, not holding on to anything, but if she realizes that's what she's doing, she sits down. It makes me laugh.

I'm not prepared for her to really start walking yet, so I'm hoping this stage lasts a long time... Unfortunately for me, though, as she was playing in our bedroom last night she took a step by herself, without holding onto anything. It was just one step, but now it feels like anything is possible. Today she stood for a good 30 seconds all by herself. Instead of crashing to the ground, she did an extremely controlled squat down. As I watched her I was definitely envious of her quads - she's one strong little thing. Sometimes I wish this kid would slow down a little bit!

Seth is off in Washington DC this week for a conference, so Ellie and I are roughing it at home together. When he gets back we have a whole lot more "baby"proofing to do around here! Along with that, I've finally lived in this house long enough to better understand what I need to have where... so although we just moved in, I think we're in for a whole new round of organizing.

24 February 2009

Our Day in Pictures

Yes, this is the 3rd post of the day. But, I thought Seth might like to know what we were up to today...
Taking all the folded laundry off the couch. What fun!

Creating a journal out of brown paper bags. I think this is really cool and I'm totally excited about it. Hopefully all the little pockets and small papers will really help me feel like journalling is possible again - a few sentences at a time.

And yes, she finally got herself IN the drawer. I think I need a way to detract her from this activity. I really like my drawer and I really don't want the bottom to break out. Once she was in, though, she proceeded to take everything else OUT. I think she's been having fun today.

Now I look down and notice Ellie has taken everything out of the box I just packed for Jeff and Emily... I think she needs to learn how to put things INTO boxes, bins and drawers now. We love you and miss you - have a good evening!

New Clothes

Thanks to all the family members who have recently sent Eleanor new clothes. We're still in the process of cleaning out the too-smalls and organizing the new things, but that means we have boxes of clothes here and there around her room. Ellie loves to wake up from her nap, reach out the slats of her crib and pull cothing items out of the piled boxes. I'm happy she wakes up happy and entertained instead of crying. :)
She is, of course, enjoying WEARING her new things, too!

Bye Bye

'Bye-bye Daddy. We'll see you on Friday!

23 February 2009

Silly Kids

This is what happens when you let the kids have the camera.

22 February 2009

A Grand Visit

I've been such a blog slacker lately! I hope this doesn't mean y'all have given up on us and our sweet girlie... we'll get back in the habit of our daily-ish posts.

The main reason for our slacking was a wonderful visit from Grandma and Grandpa Sargent. My parents came out here to Sheridan for my mom's President's Week Break from school and we all had a good time. It only snowed two times while they were here, so there weren't any major traveling difficulities.

We spent the week chatting, knitting, working on the computers, checking out Sheridan, watching a busy Eleanor learning a million new things and baking bread. My parents also took a trip up through the Big Horn Mountains. Ellie and I were planning to go, but I had neglected to take care of some important around-the-house tasks and therefore opted to stay home. All in all it was a very low-key time, but it was really good to see them, catch up on each other's lives and have Eleanor get in some good grandparent time.

Although we were around the house a lot, I neglected to take many pictures. These were taken on the first and last days of their visit. First, mom feeding Ellie banana (she's become a real beggar and loves taking bites for herself). And last, me finally grabbing the camera and telling my dad to pose for me since we didn't have any pics of grandpa and Eleanor together. Ellie loved having them around, getting the extra attention, etc. Oh yeah, and the random one in the middle is just a pic of typical Eleanor. She's taken to grabbing the measuring spoons out of my baking drawer and hauls them around the house. She's often found with one in her mouth and another in her hand... and Mom and Dad, do you have any idea where Ellie's pastry brush ended up?

11 February 2009

Finger Painting!

Ellie and I decided to finger paint... maybe next time I'll have her do this in the morning instead of right before bed. I just figured I would have to drop her in the bath tub afterward, so I waited until just before we would normally have a bath... she had a good time, but the pics make her look really serious about the whole experience. She was very tired. :)

It turned out to be a good recipe for finger paint. If you're interested:

1/4 c cornstarch

2 c cold water

Boil together until thick and creamy. Add a few drops of dish soap (for clean-up's sake). Transfer to small containers and add a few drops of food coloring. Mix until you get the colors you desire. Let cool before using.

Ellie and I painted on freezer paper because I had some left over. It worked well. I loved that she could decide to eat the paint (oh yum) and I didn't have to worry about it.

10 February 2009

High Fives

Ellie learned how to give High Fives yesterday. Really fun. She just laughed and laughed and laughed while pounding on Daddy's hands. Unfortunately, I was WAY too tired to get out the camera so y'all could experience the moment. You'll just have to use your imaginations. :)

09 February 2009

9 Months

Well, we have a sick baby and a questionable furnace at the moment. Thus, the lack of blogging and pretty much everything else. Eleanor is usually a really good sleeper and tends to even sleep in 'til 8 or 8:30 most mornings. This morning she rose at 6 am, however, and had several waking unable to breathe through her snot encrusted nose moments throughout the night... I've yet to recover my sense of peace. Hopefully a few cups of coffee will get me motivated. Right now she's happily playing with her activity table, serenading me with The Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle and the Hello Song. I'm glad she's happy and entertained, but I do wish I could mute the table and still keep her occupied... :o)

Yesterday our sweet little bug turned 9 months old! I'm still pretty amazed at how fast she's growing, changing and learning. Her growth, in terms of weight and length seems to have leveled off a little bit, probably due to her extremely active nature, but we see evidence of her brain growth every day. She continues to be a happy, healthy girl who eats well, sleeps well, has a high level of curiosity and a flair for problem solving. She giggles often, responds to all people with smiles and coos, has begun to wave bye-bye and accompanies most of her play with a running commentary of babbles and shouts.

We're working on some nursery games like "So Big" and "Peekaboo" and she giggles and giggles and giggles through them. She still doesn't initiate them herself, however.

Eleanor continues to love her food and happily eats most things, but her favorites remain avocados, bananas and sweet potatoes. Broccoli is her favorite green vegetable and we always have Rice Krispies on the floor. Watch out if you're eating bananas or grapes around her because she's a huge mooch! She'll crawl up into your lap and beg for bites. She's gotten very good at taking bites of banana (although you have to watch the size of her bites carefully because she likes to take more than she should at once) and waits (fairly) patiently while you peel and piece out grapes for her. She also loves grated, peeled apples and tofu as finger food. Interestingly, she's not really into fruit juices, but she loves her water and is always interested in taking drinks from grown-up glasses. She is also still nursing 4 to 5 times a day.

She weighed in at the doctor's at 18 lbs 7 oz last week and is now 28 inches tall. Her head has grown a significant amount since it was last measured, but I always forget that stat for some reason! She's kind of evened out in terms of her percentages and all her measurements now land her between 45 and 65 %. So, I guess she's pretty proportionate right now. :0) We still get a lot of comments about her being such a cute little thing and got a good sense of perspective last week at the Super Bowl party we attended because she's definitely sporting the long and lean look in comparision with many other little ones.

Eleanor has also started her own version of "dancing" whenever music starts (or dad drums). We have yet to capture it on tape, but it's pretty funny. She sits up and moves her head and torso back and forth to the music over and over again. Ahh to have such strong ab muscles!

She is now cruising all over the place, and of course crashing all the time, too. She pulls up on anything and everything and has even stood for very short periods of time on her own. Although she will "walk" the length of the couch or coffee table over and over again and will take single steps between objects to move, she doesn't seem very interested in taking steps in open spaces. She will pull up on your fingers and stand in position to walk along with you, but would rather just stand and talk with you or bounce than actually move.

Perhaps the most fun (and occassionally frustrating) of her developments is her ability to open drawers and cupboards, empty them and rearrange their contents. Our house feels like a whirlwind most of the time and although I'm really trying to enjoy her new discoveries, I also have a hard time resisting the urge to put away all the books, cds, dishes and toys she leaves scattered around the house. Lately I've been finding tupperware in the baking drawer, pots, pans and colanders in the tupperware drawer and silverware in the pots and pans cupboard. It is pretty fun that she's trying to put things away. :0)

Late last week Ellie was "helping" me empty the dishwasher and she got to the silverware before I had taken out the forks and table knives. I laughed a lot as I watched her pull out the spoons and deposit them in the baking drawer. Each time she pulled out a knife or fork, however, she gave it a puzzled look and threw it back in the dishwasher! I guess my safety measure of only letting her play with spoons has turned into an interesting sorting game.

Well, I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting that would amuse you all, but this post has already taken me all morning and I should really be getting ready for Ellie's lunch. Hopefully I'll get back in the habit of taking pics, Ellie will get well soon from her cold and Seth and I will remain immune to the bug. Maybe we'll even get our furnace fixed this afternoon! Here's to hoping!

05 February 2009


or frustrated. You choose.

Today I'm again learning a lesson from God regarding attitude, perspective and gratefulness. Our furnace went out last night - again - and our house is FREEZING cold. Of course, my first instinct was to be frustrated, annoyed and anxious about repair costs/the need to purchase a new one. But, luckily, with a little attitude adjustment I'm doing much better. Here are the things I'm thankful for today:

Our house, Eleanor, strong legs for walking and running, a beautiful, sun-shiny day (45ish degrees), a quick response by the repair man (although we still don't have heat) and the freedom to do whatever we want with our afternoon.

P.S. Happy Birthday Jeffrey!

**Update (3:15 PM): We returned from a walk to a warming house... and then the electricity shut off. I hope I'll be able to start the furnace again manually (as in banging it with a screw driver). The parts have been ordered to fix the furnace and should arrive tomorrow by noon. The repair man will be back here to install them tomorrow afternoon.

Tagged Again

and this one is long...

"I was tagged, and as I was reading through this list it brought back a lot of great memories," wrote my sister in law. Well, I felt the same way, so here it goes:

The things on this list I've done are in bold.

Started your own blog - now we're on to number 2

Slept under the stars - on the way to Yosemite... and as I recall, woke up in the middle of the night because my head was facing down a small hill - quite uncomfortable!

Played in a band

Visited Hawaii

Watched a meteor shower - Several times, but the one that sticks out was on the soccer field at GFU

Given more than you can afford to charity

Been to Disneyland/world - Hmm. When I was 7. Then Disneyworld when I was 15. Then back to Disneyland as a graduation trip. And again to Disneyland with Seth, Amanda and Kayli when Seth was in grad school. After that trip Seth and I promised each other we wouldn't go again until we had a child of our own...

Climbed a mountain

Held a praying mantis - kinda creepy, but cool

Sang a solo

Bungee jumped

Visited Paris - one of my favorite travel memories with my dad

Watched a lightning storm at sea

Taught yourself an art from scratch

Adopted a child

Had food poisoning

Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

Seen the Mona Lisa in France

Slept on an overnight train - ahh, to be on our way to Prague again! But, I definitely don't miss the scary border guards who wake you up demanding passports! And I seem to remember I had a terrible migraine... yuck.

Had a pillow fight - of course!

Hitchhiked - In the wonderful green of Ireland

Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

Built a snow fort

Held a lamb

Gone skinny dipping

Been to a Broadway show in NY

Ran a Marathon - only half...

Been in three states at once -ridden in a gondola in Venice

Seen a total eclipse

Watched a sunrise or sunset

Hit a home run

Been on a Cruise - to Alaska

Seen Niagra Falls in Person - on a trip around the US with my fam when I was about 15

Visited the birthplace of your Ancestors

Seen an Amish community - thanks to family in Iowa

Taught yourself a new language - does C++ or Java count?

Had enough money to be truly satisfied - "that's a hard one...but yes, I think I'm satisfied." I agree, Emily.

Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person - I think we even have a couple of pics of my brother and I trying to hold it up...

Gone rock climbing

Seen Michelangelo’s David

Sung karaoke

Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - no, but I will this summer!!!

Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

Visited Africa

Walked on a beach by moonlight - one of my favorite times and places

Been transported in an ambulance

Gone deep sea fishing - and ate a million saltines trying not to throw up from sea sickness. Yuck.

Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

Kissed in the rain - this one is particularly important to my "married" status :)

Played in the mud - I think my brother recently reminded us of one "boot eating mud" incident... although by the end of that experience I'm not sure it could be called playing exactly

Been to Grace Kelley’s grave in Monaco

Gone to a drive-in theater

Visited the Great Wall of China

Started a business

Taken a martial arts class

Swam in the Mediterranean Sea

Visited Russia

Served at a soup kitchen

Sold Girl Scout cookies

Gone whale watching

Gotten flowers for no reason

Donated blood, platelets or plasma

Gone sky diving

Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp - a couple actually. Important experiences.

Bounced a check

Saved a favorite childhood toy

Visited the Lincoln Memorial

Eaten Caviar

Pieced a quilt

Stood in Times Square

Toured the Everglades

Been fired from a job

Seen the Changing of the Guards in London - several times

Broken a bone - pinky finger, so sad but true

Been on a speeding motorcycle - The moment that comes most vividly to mind involves hanging on for "dear life" while traveling over the pass to Sisters, OR for Jeff and Emily's wedding. Of course, I wasn't really in any danger, but the wind sure made it feel like that!

Seen the Grand Canyon in person - but I was too little to remember

Published a book

Visited the Vatican

Bought a brand new car

Walked in Jerusalem

Had your picture in the newspaper - You gotta love the Alien Party at McMinnamins in McMinnville... I believe my face was painted green. How embarassing!

Read the entire Bible

Visited the White House

Killed and prepared my own meat

Had chickenpox

Saved someone’s life

Sat on a jury

Met someone famous

Joined a book club

Lost a loved one

Had a baby

Seen the Alamo in person

Swam in the Great Salt Lake - NO WAY! IT STINKS!

Been involved in a law suit

Owned a cell phone

Been stung by a bee

04 February 2009


Now that she's figured out how to open the drawers and cabinet doors in the kitchen all totally and completely on her own... I'm going crazy. I folded and put away the towels and washcloths 18 times yesterday. At least it's a safe game... someday (hopefully very soon) we'll get the cabinet locks put on. I'm pretty tired of the rubberband that holds the garbage door shut.