14 October 2010

Sayings from our Big Girl

We're having fun with our constantly growing girl. Lately she's said a ton of funny, big girl things, and here are a few we remembered to write down. She's also working on doing tons of big girl things. This comes in handy when I'm nursing Benjamin, but has also gotten her in a bit of trouble. We're working on finding a good balance of activities she may do on her own and things with which we must assist her.
"I'm a good jobber!"

Where did the baby come from? "Our tummy!"

Is that your baby brother? "No. Dat's Benjamin!"

While holding Benjamin: "Mommy, look at him toesies! Look at him eyes! Him slippery, wiggly!"

Daddy: "You may not demand things of me like that." Eleanor, crying: "I'm not a man!"

"Mommy, I look like a walrus!" holding 2 almonds on either side of her mouth.

Mommy: "I love you, Eleanor."
Ella: (nodding)"I know. Daddy loves me, too, together... together love me. And I love Bengerman...all us love...and the puppy, too! I love our puppy."

1 comment:

emily said...

This made us laugh so hard. We miss that big girl, and you guys too! It will be so much when we all get together again someday!