19 October 2010

From Iowa...

on an Airplane.

Meeting Benjamin Michael
Eleanor is obsessed with the idea of traveling on airplanes - especially to Iowa. I assume this is because we last traveled there via plane. She understands people can go all kinds of places on airplanes, but she definitely knows that Grandma and Grandpa (Tippin) come from Iowa.

When they arrived at our house, it was squeals, shouts and hugs all around!

G&G came to hang out with our little family October 12th through the 18th. We enjoyed our visit thoroughly. The first day was all birthday goodness (for me). After that we celebrated Benjamin, watched Ella open lots of presents, went shopping (for shoes, of course), enjoyed our 4 meals out per year (thanks, Jon and Ruthie!) and talked ourselves out. Eleanor enjoyed trips to the park, swimming, trips to G&G's hotel, riding her bicycle, playing with new toys and getting to eat out at restaurants. Benjamin enjoyed getting snuggled.
Reading with Grandpa
Look, Benjamin's Smiling!

P.S. The horse was found! Apparently, Ella had placed it on the floor, pulled out some shoes to try on and then shoved the box back in, shoving the horse back behind the shoe boxes and shelving. They found it while rearranging stock. She has slept with Horse ever since.

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