15 May 2010

20 Weeks

I was ever so relieved to have a check up on the calendar for this week. I've had a lot of trouble lately with fatigue, vomiting and headaches... so I was really looking forward to a chance to get everything checked out and to ask some questions. The appointment was reassuring and I feel like I now have a few things to try. Hopefully I'll start feeling a bit better again here in a few days (or a week...).

Gestational Age: 20 Weeks, 2 Days

Weight Gain: 1 lb.

Blood Pressure: 120/72

Fetal Heartrate: 150 BPM

The baby made his/herself known by kicking our nurse super hard as she started the doppler. She was very surprised and commented on the reassuring nature of a strong fetus. :) It was wonderful to get to hear our little bean's heartbeat again. Of course, Becky did ask if I wanted her to sneak a peak at the gender... and although the temptation of getting to see Baby on the ultrasound was ridiculously huge, I knew I had to wait for Seth... so he'll have to be sure he gets some time off work next month to come to our big ultrasound appointment. (Not that we will find out the gender for sure anyway...)

1 comment:

Julia said...

So glad baby is doing well and that you have some things to try to help with your fatigue!