18 June 2009

I Don't Know Where to Start...

The last couple of weeks just slipped by me. I guess I don't think they rushed by, but new routines, the joy of parenting a toddler and a general sense of fatigue got the best of me. I've recently received a couple of emails wondering if we're okay and commenting on the fact that I haven't blogged. They pulled blogging up on the "to do" list. To be honest, I hadn't even checked my email in 4 days.

So, what have we been up to?

Well, Eleanor is getting the rest of her 12 month molars. She is also growing like a weed (I swear she's gained another 2 inches and 2 or 3 pounds). Along with this growth spurt, Ellie's decided she doesn't want to take 2 naps a day anymore. She's still happy with the morning one, but the afternoon one's a bear. This makes our 5 o'clock "happy" hour even more "happy" (not to mention 6 and beyond)! And, she's learning tons of new words every day along with getting quite an attitude. I always knew I'd have to deal with temper tantrums some day, but I have to say, I wasn't expecting them quite so soon. We have a really strong willed one on our hands!

We've also been running, gardening, playing at the park, playing with Kayli (who got her bottom braces this week - poor girl) and teaching piano lessons. I decided today that it's the piano lessons that have really gotten to me. I'm loving the teaching, but I'm struggling with the parenting-teaching combo. I'm also struggling with the fact that I have a child who needs more of my attention than ever while I suddenly have a much busier schedule than before.

Also, Seth had his 28th birthday!

Now, I feel like I could go on and on about any one of the previous mentioned people/activities/issues, but I'll spare you. :) Keep in tune and I'll get you some pics of our recent days/weeks/adventures.


Natalie said...

So good to hear from you Bethany! I've been wondering how things are going for you guys. Did you run in the half marathon you had been training for?? I remember when Allie switched from two naps to one...she was 16 months and it was quite a change for us until we both got used to the new routine. She gave up her morning nap though which was what I was hoping she would do. Obviously you have to do what will work best for Ellie but for us, having an afternoon nap has been wonderful. Until Allie got used to it she was eating lunch at 11 and sometimes a little earlier so she could lay down right after lunch but slowly I was able to move her back to a normal lunch time with nap right after. Good luck with this new transition!

Hannah said...

Yeah, we (Hannah, Shannon and I) were just talking last night about how you had disappeared from the blogging world. It's nice to have you back, and I'm glad it was nothing more than routine business that kept you away.

I agree with your first commenter about the whole nap thing. When Gracie dropped one (about 18 months, but every kid is different) there were many days that she still wanted to nap in the morning. We would have to think of something creative to get us through lunch time. She now goes down anytime between 1 and 3 and will sleep for 2-3 hours. It makes afternoons and evenings much more bearable... and it really didn't take long for the mornings to be great too. She just had to get used to the schedule.

Bethany said...

Thanks for your little tidbits of insight about this whole napping thing... today we have a play date scheduled for morning nap time, so I'm hoping that will help distract her. But, I think I'll have to try just moving Ellie's lunch up earlier for a while. We also put her to bed a full hour earlier than usual last night. That worked great.