23 March 2009

Today is a Snuggle Day

Ellie and I are still in our jammies. It is snowing and snowing outside. The wind is blowing the flakes against our windows and the piles are visibly getting bigger. Yesterday it was 70 degrees... it rained all night in big drops and I watched the rain turn to snow around 3:30 AM after I got up to attend to our whiney cat. There have been many, many sirens this morning as people had trouble getting down our hills to work. After several days of beautiful, warm spring weather where we noticed tulips peeking out of our yard and began planning our landscaping and vegetable garden, this return of winter is hard to take. So, our plan is to hunker down with hot coffee, tea and hot chocolate, stay in our jammies, catch up on our blog, read all our friends' blogs and continue our plans for our outdoor paradise so that we're ready when spring decides it is actually ready to stay for a while.


Natalie said...

We're still in our jammies today too and I actually plan to stay that way all day today :) Some days are just perfect for that! Lucky for me it's not snowing here but Allie has a little cold again so we stayed home from MOPS this morning and I was a bit bummed so I thought this was a perfect occassion for jammies. Hopefully your snow and Allie's cold both go away as quickly as they came!!!

Lynn said...

I hear you loud and clear! We haven't yet reached 70... but our highs of 50s feel like 70 and then it turned and snowed on Saturday!! You wanna run away with me to some tropical island for a few weeks until this white stuff is gone!?! : )