11 March 2009

Cookie Monster

I love these barley teething biscuits! Eleanor will sit in her high chair and chew on one for 30 minutes. She makes a huge mess, but I get a bit of peace and quiet while she's contained, not screaming because her teeth hurt and not sleeping.


Seth said...

Where is the comment about the smell? Those biscuits have maple flavoring in them and when she gets 'biscuit goo' all over herself you feel like you're carrying a stack of hotcakes around no matter how well we try to clean her up.

Lynn said...

I do the same thing with our dog... give her a treat inside one of her toys and she's entertained and out of my hair for a few moments! Except I wish she smelled like hotcakes afterwards!! : )

How are your piano lessons going? Are you getting lots of students? Is it going well with Ellie being there too?

C. M. said...

John hates the "biscuit goo" - in fact, I think he uses that exact term. Maybe it's a daddy term. :^)
The boys both loved them though! If Aiden had his way, I'd still buy them.