16 March 2009

She's Done It!

Ellie started walking on Friday afternoon. Luckily for Daddy, she decided to begin by walking to him when he got home from work. 22 steps in a row for the first time! Now she's walking everywhere. Her favorite thing about not needing our help is that now she has both her hands free and therefore can carry all sorts of things along with her. She's been sighted over the weeked carrying bananas, yogurt cups with spoons, hats and Mom's gatorade bottle.

We took this video on Saturday morning:

This was Sunday afternoon... silly girl! One shoe off and one shoe on makes things a bit more difficult - not to mention the chip clip in her mouth.

We waited a couple of days for this announcement because Grandma Tippin is coming to visit us today and we decided to let the walking be a surprise. I'll try to keep blogging this week, but you know how it goes when we have visitors... I tend to vanish from cyberspace.


Seth said...

By the way, Ellie isn't making a face in the picture with the banana. She just found out that the banana is the perfect food for the 'on the go' girl. It was great to watch her walking while she plowed through her fruit.

MacKender 4 said...

What a big girl Ellie! Soon you will be running! Congratulations! Keep up the good work! :)

Laura Fenske said...

Congrats on a walking kiddo! She's a doll!

emily said...

That's so amazing! She's just such a little thing doing big girl things!