01 October 2008

4 Month Stats

Ellie and I visited her new pediatrician's office yesterday for a slightly delayed 4 month check up. We happily walked to the doctor's office in the beautiful sunshine. The office is just on the other side of the fairgrounds for us. Luckily, I really liked all the people we met (nurses, PAs, pediatricians, office workers). We spent 2 hours there! The nurse and PA we officially had our appointment with were fabulous and did a great job of helping us feel welcome while getting all of Ellie's records up to date.

Here are her stats:

Weight: 14 lbs. 5 oz. (48th percentile)

Height: 26.8 in. (98th percentile)

Head: 16.3 in. (43rd percentile)

So, she continues to be quite long and fairly thin. People who meet her still use the word "petite" to describe her. Then we lay her on the floor and everyone says, "Wow. She looks really long." Who knows where she got these tall genes...

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