29 April 2011


This is for memory's sake:

Yesterday was 72 degrees and sunny. We played out in the yard all day long and I held myself back from planting seeds in the garden.

Today we have 4 inches of snow, it is still falling, and it's 31 degrees. I guess it's good I didn't plant.

Lovely, lovely Wyoming.


Jedi Mama said...

Don't you just big-puffy-heart LOVE Wyoming weather?! Just wait until your kids are old enough and you have to go sit outside in the elements, while they play SOCCER! Your contacts will dry out, your lips will chap, and your hair will blow in nineteen different directions and stick in the freshly-applied Chapstick, which you put on to ease the pain of the wind chapping the lips in the first place. And you will become quite cranky. I'm sorry, darling, but THIS is what you have to look forward to when Eleanor and Benjamin are TEN! And also...Fur Elyse plays at my house, night and day, day and night, all of the time! You have created a piano-playing madman! And I thank you for that!

Summer Time! said...

I miss you sooooo much Bethany!