28 April 2011

7 Months has come and gone!

Now that we are 1/2 way through Benjamin's 8th month... I guess I'll finally get his 7 month post up here. We've had a rough go of it the last month or so with RSV as well as some other nasty cold/cough thing and a huge breathing (or rather, not breathing) scare. Thus, we've huddled down and tried really hard just to get everyone well. Not much else (on a large scale) has happened or gotten done.

Since 6 months Benjamin has:

started eating avocado, rice, oatmeal, banana, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, green beans, applesauce and peas - he still loves to eat, but sweet potatoes are by far his favorite. He barely tolerates green beans or peas.

gotten teeth (4/6) - both bottom guys have popped through and look huge! We thought he was having tons of trouble with teething and were confused because we thought it was just the one on his bottom left side. Instead, both broke through together! He certainly knows how to use them, too!

started crawling - or rather, "inchworming" (4/21) - he reaches with his arms, gets up on his right knee and pushes himself forward, dragging his left side. It isn't very efficient, but it certainly gets him where he'd like to go. He also gets himself up on hands and knees, but then he looks around like, "now what?" and then flattens himself back to the floor.

begun making it impossible to change his diaper! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get a small boy to stop wiggling long enough to get poop off and a clean diaper on!?

talking more and more. He says, "gluh gluh gluh" a lot as well as, "ah ya ya ya." Only at the saddest of moments will we get a "MA MAaaah!" The funny thing is, he started this right about the same time his voice turned super hoarse because of his respiratory illness - I think he realized his voice sounded strange!

is no longer Mr. Super-chunk. He weighs 19 pounds (which we know well thanks to numerous visits to the dr. and watching to be sure he wasn't losing too much weight through this illness). I think he must have gotten longer recently since he seems a lot less chunky to me right now. We won't know his height/length again for another couple of months.

has not slept through the night for an entire month. He currently wakes up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours (Mommy is feeling the effects of this for sure!).

loves hearing people sing and nursery rhymes. We get lots of giggles from This is the Way the Ladies Ride and Humpty Dumpty. His favorite soothers are Hush Little Baby and Jesus Loves Me.

is obsessed with attempting to grab the cat.

will finally play for short periods of time while sitting up unassisted. We assume he was against this before because his tummy was so chubby that it was uncomfortable!

1 comment:

emily said...

He is too cute! I can't wait to get him a Levi side by side!

Both of our boys have been very wiggly on the changing table, so i've learned to keep and arsenal of toys are arms reach to keep them occupied. I probably go through 3-5 toys during a single diaper change with Levi, so make sure you have plenty! Singing a silly song also helps sometimes. Good luck!