10 March 2011


I realized recently that we haven't blogged in almost 2 months! Sorry family!

These snapshots are the only good pictures we've gotten over that time... Eleanor is going through a "I don't want my picture taken" stage and I haven't had time to clear our overly full SD card to make more room on the camera. Until today. So hopefully we'll be taking more pictures again soon!

The above collage includes a very cold, but sunny walk out by the buffalo pen - a much needed outdoor activity. Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the outdoors again soon! It also includes Valentine's Day when Seth surprised us by taking a few hours off work in the morning to stay home and make us breakfast, Benjamin's amazing ability to sleep hard through almost anything, his love for bathtime and Eleanor's willingness to have her picture taken when she's holding her brother (after having picked out his outfit for the day).

We hope you all are well and we hope to do a better job of keeping in touch. :)
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1 comment:

Natalie said...

Love your new pictures! Benjamin is such a handsome little guy and Ella is a beautiful girl :) Hope you are all doing well!