23 March 2011

6 Months Already!

Benjamin turned 6 months last Saturday. We took him to the doctor on Tuesday for a Well Child Visit. Here are his stats:

Height: 25.5 inches (18%)
Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (64 %)
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm (43%)

Thus, he's quite the chunker! We love his little chubby frame these days. Some of his favorite things are rolling over and over and over, his Baby Einstein play mat (with dangly toys he can grab and pull while listening to music with lights that flash in time), our animals, people singing and Eleanor. About a week and a half ago we were cutting down a diseased apple tree in our backyard and had some friends over to help us. They brought their golden for a little doggie playdate and London and Sadie were chasing each other around, being dogs. Benjamin watched and watched and then started laughing. He laughed and laughed at those dogs! The other things that make him laugh are Eleanor and tickling. He is very in tune with his hand-eye coordination and has great dexterity.
Some things he dislikes are being left alone, strangers, sitting up to play, food that is even the littlest bit chunky and getting shots. He is still a very calm, gentle, peaceful little guy. He smiles often and is very patient. He still doesn't vocalize very much, but we do get the occasional coo, giggle and fuss. He watches everyone and everything very intently. He is straining and straining these days to get his little body moving and ready for crawling. I think this milestone is still quite a ways away, however, since he cannot get his tummy off the ground. He is also working very hard on cutting his first teeth. We've had several rather fussy evenings lately in this regard. We can see one little white dot so far, but who knows how long it will take for this tooth to fully show itself (we've been thinking for the past two weeks that it's sure to break through in the next few days).

We are grateful daily for Ben's presence in our growing family. He's a very pleasant, joyful little man. We look forward to watching his continued growth.


Katie said...

I think perhaps baby Ben has the most delicious thighs ever:) I can't believe he's 6 months already wowsers! I laughed though because Lily is 17 months and weighs about 19lb:) she is long and tiny I never really got those yummy thighs with her:).Enjoy!

Julia said...

It's great to get an update on your little Benjamin! so glad he (and you three too!) are doing great! :)